High Fiber Breakfast: Try This PCOS Power Smoothie

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Sharing my favorite PCOS-friendly smoothie recipe

Hi, I’m Anna 🤗

Welcome to my first PCOS Mag recipe post! Hello to everyone, and here’s hoping for many more. This first recipe is a staple in my breakfast repertoire. It’s super easy to make and to customize with whatever you happen to have on hand.

I hope you enjoy it!

Anna O

Try this 5-minute PCOS Power Smoothie for an easy high fiber breakfast

This PCOS Power Smoothie recipe is one of my personal favorites. Not only does it taste delicious, but the ingredients have been shown to help with inflammation and gut health – which is extra important for those of us with PCOS. 

PCOS Power Smoothie

Spices like cinnamon and turmeric are inflammation-killers (and pretty tasty too – but be careful, as turmeric can easily stain). We know berries are a PCOS holy grail, and it’s great to get some greens in the morning (promise you won’t taste the kale 😉 but it can be easily replaced with spinach if you’re not really feeling it). 

Chocolate chips are totally optional, but add a nice sweetness (honey can do the same!) and decadence to the morning. Honestly, it’s important to treat ourselves to a little extra sweetness, and this is a great way to do a tiny bit of that.

Dairy can be rough for some with PCOS, as it can elevate insulin levels. In terms of what I prefer, coconut milk and almond milk all the way, but, listen – use the one you like the best. We’re trying to enjoy our mornings here, not cut corners every time one appears. 

Happy sipping!

This post shares Anna O’s favorite, fiber-packed PCOS Power Smoothie recipe

Bio Pic Anna O

anna o

Hi, I’m Anna! I’m a NYC based creative working in special education. PCOS is sadly underrepresented and under researched and what we feed our bodies plays a pretty big role in our general health, so it’s important to share whatever we know with each other!

    • 23 April 2023 5:44 PM

    This looks delicious 😍 Thanks for sharing this recipe Anna!!

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